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Our Team


Tony Newbould

As MD and co-owner of Parks with his brother Mark, together the two are the visionaries within the business. With over 40 years of background in engineering, construction and fabrication Tony brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the business. After realising the energy required to fabricate steel, from the outset Tony wanted to reduce the businesses carbon footprint, together with Mark and the team after many years they have achieved this with the now fully self-sufficient net zero steel fabrication facility.


Mark Newbould

Together with Tony the two visionaries of the business both set out to reduce carbon emission in the steel industry. Mark also has over 40 years experience in the engineering, construction and fabrication sectors having held some esteemed positions in various companies over the years and his experience from these positions continue to drive the business forward.


Graham Stephenson

With a wealth of experience in engineering spanning 35+ years Graham joined Parks Fabrication in 2021 and was drawn to the culture, ethos and forward thinking strategies of the business. Graham started his career at Bridgeport machines as an apprentice and has slowly worked his way up the corporate ladder. Having held roles in large PLC’s across the engineering and construction industries, this experience plays an integral part of his role at Parks where he deals with and has oversight of the end-to-end process from initial customer enquiries, estimating, drawing and specification support through to fabrication and delivery. Working with the valued team Graham has cemented as a fundamental part of the business.


Andrew Petch

Andrew started working with Parks Fabrication in 2013 after working for a selection of other structural steel and engineering companies. Andrew’s strengths lie in the fabrication process and management of the workforce. Andrew is involved from the outset of a project and assists in reviewing designs and technical specifications and then coordinating the jobs through the workshop ensuring high quality throughout.


Andy Mallison

Joining the Parks Fabrication team in 2016. Andy is an extremely technical and methodical individual and coordinates the projects and workflow through the processing department ensuring the project is delivered on budget and on time.


Lisa Watts

Having been with Parks since 2023, Lisa is responsible for all accounts queries. In addition, Lisa manages our customer relationships and is at the forefront of ensuring all our documentation is correct and meets the correct standards. With a broad engineering background in purchasing she is knowledgeable and understands each project in depth.

Start Your Project with Us Today

We take pride in our work and are happy to tailor our services to meet your project requirements. We’re also happy to welcome visitors to our site to view our processes first-hand. Let us know your requirements and we’ll work with you to make sure everything is completed and delivered to schedule.